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Malta has recorded the most gross value added in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector from EU countries, Eurostat data has revealed.

The latest statistics, published on Tuesday (today), state that in 2021, Malta’s ICT sector had the most value added to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the EU countries for which data is available, amounting to 10.3 per cent.

The EU average amounted to 5.5 per cent, while the lowest value was recorded in Greece at 3.5 per cent.

Eurostat defines ICT as covering all means used to handle information and aid communication, including computer and network hardware, as well as their software.

9.4 per cent of Malta’s value added came from ICT services, with this also being the highest ratio in the EU. This was closely followed by Cyprus (8.9 per cent) and Bulgaria (7.3 per cent).

Additionally, Hungary (1.2 per cent), Malta (0.8 per cent), as well as Latvia and Slovakia (both 0.6 per cent) had the highest share of gross value added through ICT manufacturing.

In terms of the share of ICT sector employment in total employment, the EU average was 3.2 per cent in 2021. Out of the countries for which data is available, only Denmark recorded a decrease in this regard between 2011 and 2021, while Latvia and Estonia achieved the highest increases.

In 2021, the highest shares of ICT employment in total employment were in Ireland (6.1 per cent), Estonia (5.6 per cent), and Sweden (5.2 per cent). Malta came in fifth place.

On the other hand, the lowest rates were recorded in Greece (1.7 per cent), Poland and Portugal (both three per cent).


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