Borza Malta Stock Exchange

The prices and rates for the next round of Government stocks issued by the Treasury have been announced, with retail and wholesale investors invited to apply in a staggered fashion, starting from Wednesday.

In a press statement circulated on Monday, the Accountant General announced that the next issue of Government stock will be split between stocks maturing in 2026 at 0.25 per cent, and stocks maturing in 2051 with a return of 1.8 per cent.

The full details are as follows:
(i) 0.25% Malta Government Stock 2026 (III) F.I. at €101.25 with a YTM of 0.018%, which corresponds to an annualised rate of 0.018%; and,
(ii) 1.80% Malta Government Stock 2051 (I) at €100.00 with a YTM of 1.800%, which corresponds to an annualised rate of 1.808%.

The applications open and close on the time and dates as indicated below, or earlier at the discretion of the Accountant General.

For members of the public for an amount not exceeding €100,000 per person in any or in each of the two stock, applications open on Wednesday 23rd June 2021 at 8.30 a.m. and close at 2.30 p.m. on Friday 25th June 2021.

Meanwhile, applications by wholesale investors, in the form of sealed bids (auction), open on Monday 28th June 2021 at 8.30 a.m. and close at noon on Wednesday 30th June 2021.

The allotment results of each stock to applicants whose applications are in the form of sealed bids (auction) will be determined and announced two hours after the closing time of the auction.

Application forms may be obtained from and lodged at all members of the Malta Stock Exchange and other authorised Investment Service Providers.

Application forms may also be downloaded from the Treasury’s website as from Tuesday 22nd June 2021.

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