Miriam Dalli / DOI Photo Clifton Fenech

Malta Enterprise launched a new scheme to assist Maltese enterprises to have a more accessible workplace and to invest further in the abilities of the employees.

Through consultation with the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), this scheme will cover up to 90 per cent of the investment done by businesses, with a maximum of €10,000. This scheme is also open for self-employed businesses.

This scheme was announced by the Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development, together with the Minister for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing during a visit to the company Abertax. Present for the press conference there was the Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disability Samantha Pace Gasan.

“To be progressive requires an inclusive society – even at the workplace. This scheme is a result of various discussions held with the Commission for Persons with Disability, as this scheme gives an opportunity to employers to go beyond the legislation which facilitates more on the participation of people with disability at the workplace”, said Minister Miriam Dalli.

Minister Dalli also explained how this scheme has both a social and economic impact.

“Diversity within the enterprises is essential, especially when it comes to initiatives which incentivise the employee’s abilities. In today’s world, we talk about ESG investments – environmental, social and governance investments. Global companies have these pillars at heart and due to this, they are attracting more investments.”

Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli highlighted that this scheme is sending a strong message which is breaking barriers and limiting access at the workplace.

“Today we are sending a strong message not only to strengthen the participation of people with disability but also increasing opportunities to persons with disability who wish to have their own business. The National Strategy 2021-2030 on the Rights of the People with Disability is based on employment and this is already in practice, as of today we have a record of more than 4,000 people with disability who are employed”, said Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli.

This scheme covers investments such as: 

  1. Machinery – to strengthen the functional abilities of individuals with disabilities such as motion wheels and alarms and electric systems.
  2. Minor structural changes within the company building to give better access – which needs to be certified by an architect according to standards to guarantee access.
  3. Technology to assist visually impaired individuals to read, or to magnify writings, and other technologies to offer better autonomy.
  4. Resurfacing spaces within the company which are resistant for wheelchair use and other spaces to assist visually impaired people to move from one space to another.
  5. Accessible formats such as Braille, and recorded messages to inform on the health and security within the place of work.
  6. Employees will be given professional training to use this technology.

This scheme is open till August 2023. For more guidance and information, one can contact Business First on www.businessfirst.com.mt

Featured Image:

Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development, Miriam Dalli / DOI Photo – Clifton Fenech 

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