A report shows that individuals may declare tax residence in a country where they have only limited physical presence
Bernard Grech has pledged that, under a PN-led Government, corporate tax would be reduced
Malta had agreed to the treaty in 2015, but its implementation was significantly delayed
Last year, Malta and Romania celebrated the 55th anniversary since the establishment of their bilateral relations on 7th June 1968
Progress was registered in four out of 10 metrics
On the other hand, the bottom third of income earners pay just 1.7% of all income tax generated
There are over 8,000 companies making use of Malta’s attractive tax refund system
MIA CEO Maria Cauchi Delia said that present fiscal changes seek to push for transparency, simplification, and consistency
The Prime Minister spoke during EY Malta’s Malta Future Realised Conference
Tax authorities’ acceptance of digital signatures is set to ‘make life easier’ for corporate service providers and tax practitioners
A total of 1,993 locally registered companies recorded over €100,000 in pre-tax profits
The EU Commission is proposing the implementation of a single VAT registration system throughout the EU
There is still around €800 million in unpaid tax
The MEP candidate expects a higher minimum tax rate for all foreign companies, not just those earning over €750 million
The issue was gathering steam prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which shifted the continent’s priorities… for a time
A report shows that individuals may declare tax residence in a country where they have only limited physical presence
Bernard Grech has pledged that, under a PN-led Government, corporate tax would be reduced
Malta had agreed to the treaty in 2015, but its implementation was significantly delayed
Last year, Malta and Romania celebrated the 55th anniversary since the establishment of their bilateral relations on 7th June 1968
Progress was registered in four out of 10 metrics
On the other hand, the bottom third of income earners pay just 1.7% of all income tax generated
There are over 8,000 companies making use of Malta’s attractive tax refund system
MIA CEO Maria Cauchi Delia said that present fiscal changes seek to push for transparency, simplification, and consistency
The Prime Minister spoke during EY Malta’s Malta Future Realised Conference
Tax authorities’ acceptance of digital signatures is set to ‘make life easier’ for corporate service providers and tax practitioners
A total of 1,993 locally registered companies recorded over €100,000 in pre-tax profits
The EU Commission is proposing the implementation of a single VAT registration system throughout the EU
There is still around €800 million in unpaid tax
The MEP candidate expects a higher minimum tax rate for all foreign companies, not just those earning over €750 million
The issue was gathering steam prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which shifted the continent’s priorities… for a time