The number of people registered as unemployed has decreased to a record 1,254, according to figures released by the National Statistics Office (NSO).
For October 2021, the number of persons registering for work stood at 1,542, decreasing by 1,860 when compared to the corresponding month in 2020.
Registered unemployment levels decreased across all age
groups for both males and females.
Prime Minister Robert Abela took to Twitter to highlight the record.
“This represents a quarter less unemployment than at the start of the pandemic and six times less than in March 2013,” he wrote.
Meanwhile, the situation on the ground paints a somewhat less rosy picture than the NSO’s figures, so much so that the Government had to include a raft of measures in the Budget 2022 to address the severe labour shortage faced by all economic sectors.
According to the Labour Force survey for the second quarter of 2021, the number of unemployed persons stood at 9,676 (2.2 per cent) while inactive persons totalled 165,531 (37.5 per cent).
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