LifeCycle Malta Foundation has cycled its way through remote routes in Thailand and Malaysia despite inclement weather.
“The challenge was anything but easy and we experienced severe weather conditions which made the effort even more challenging. However, Melita gave us peace of mind, keeping the group connected all the time,” stated foundation representative Joe Aquilina.
Melita Ltd provided SIM cards for all participants in this year’s gruelling LifeCycle challenge. With the helping hand of free international roaming data and SMS, the team managed to navigate and keep in touch even from the most isolated areas in Southeast Asia.
The dedicated team of 18 cyclists started their journey from Bangkok on 26th November and arrived in Kuala Lumpur just 10 days later. In total, they cycled 2,000km through humid conditions and tricky terrain.
“During the day the group extends over roughly 40km from the first cyclist to the last, so communication is vital for our back-up team and for each cyclist, in case they need to call in help. And on top we managed to remain in touch with out loved ones all the time,” added Mr Aquilina.
The LifeCycle (Malta) Foundation remains the only voluntary organisation that raises funds to support renal patients in Malta and Gozo, to help fund research into renal disease and raise awareness on kidney health.
In Malta, chronic kidney disease affects one in 10 people, with 364 patients on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis at the end of 2022. About 20 to 25 kidney transplants, the other form of Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) for patients suffering from renal failure, are carried out in Malta every year.
Since its establishment in 1999, LifeCycle Malta has managed to raise over €3.2 million, with its fundraising efforts being centred around the LifeCycle Challenge.
The funds have been invested in various projects and initiatives including the TRACCIA Software Support System, which is the software used at Mater Dei Hospital’s Renal Unit for the matching of kidney donors with medically compatible transplant candidates.
Donations to the foundation can be made via:
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