It also has one of the highest rates of homeownership in Europe
One in five landlords whose property renting is their main income own just one property
Six-tenant limit was introduced in 2014, update of rent law simply a way to enforce it
'The demand for housing is changing and that the supply of housing must adapt as well'
In 2022 alone, the number of foreign workers in Malta grew by 20,575
Increasing tourism figures and foreign labours are among the drivers of higher rental and property prices
The amended scheme will now allow beneficiaries to purchase property worth up to €225,000
Rent prices were decimated by the pandemic
Less than one in five find housing costs to be 'no burden at all'
Malta house prices have increased by nearly half in six years
Property owners association calls for an increase in rent rates, and that properties are returned after seven years
The Berlin local Government did not have the legal authority to introduce such a measure
The buyer is expected to spend his initial purchase price again in restoring the property
Stimulus measures have seen property prices abroad rise, causing some spectators to warn of a bubble
Malta's production in construction increased in every quarter of 2020
It also has one of the highest rates of homeownership in Europe
One in five landlords whose property renting is their main income own just one property
Six-tenant limit was introduced in 2014, update of rent law simply a way to enforce it
'The demand for housing is changing and that the supply of housing must adapt as well'
In 2022 alone, the number of foreign workers in Malta grew by 20,575
Increasing tourism figures and foreign labours are among the drivers of higher rental and property prices
The amended scheme will now allow beneficiaries to purchase property worth up to €225,000
Rent prices were decimated by the pandemic
Less than one in five find housing costs to be 'no burden at all'
Malta house prices have increased by nearly half in six years
Property owners association calls for an increase in rent rates, and that properties are returned after seven years
The Berlin local Government did not have the legal authority to introduce such a measure
The buyer is expected to spend his initial purchase price again in restoring the property
Stimulus measures have seen property prices abroad rise, causing some spectators to warn of a bubble
Malta's production in construction increased in every quarter of 2020